Mònica Escolà Casas, Miriam Guivernau, Marc Viñas, Belén Fernández, Rafaela Cáceres, Carme Biel, Víctor Matamoros, 2023. Use of wood and cork in biofilters for the simultaneous removal of nitrates and pesticides from groundwater. Chemosphere, 313, 137502 (link)
Lorenzo Rambaldo, Héctor Ávila, Mònica Escolà Casas, Miriam Guivernau, Marc Viñas, Rosa Trobajo, Javier Pérez-Burillo, David G. Mann, Belén Fernández, Carme Biel, Luigi Rizzo, Josep M. Bayona, Víctor Matamoros, 2022. Assessment of a novel microalgae-cork based technology for removing antibiotics, pesticides and nitrates from groundwater. Chemosphere, 301, 134777 (link)